Monday, 31 October 2011

A Potential Fix for iOS 5 Battery Woes: Your Time Zone Settings

"Since the release of the iPhone 4S earlier this month, a number of users have complained about the device’s battery life.

One intrepid user thinks he might have found a fix. Oliver Haslam at iDownloadBlog reports that turning off the ability for iOS to automatically update its time zone may be the key to improving the battery life on the iPhone 4S."

- Mashable

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Saturday, 29 October 2011

9 Ways Top Brands Use Social Media for Better Customer Service

"Rohit Bhargava is SVP of global digital strategy at Ogilvy, an award-winning marketing blogger and the best-selling author of Personality Not Included, a book about creating a more human brand. His is currently writing his second book called Likeonomics on how to be more believable."

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Thursday, 27 October 2011

Bloomberg TV Begins Live Streaming to the iPad

"Bloomberg is bringing its 24-hour live broadcast to the iPad, the financial media conglomerate announced Thursday.

Unlike CNN or ESPN, which make their live feeds available only to select subscribers, Bloomberg is boldly making its broadcast available to anyone with an iPad."

- Mashable

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Wednesday, 26 October 2011

How to Time Your Facebook Posts to Reach the Most Fans

"Jeff Widman co-founded PageLever to provide better Facebook analytics for marketers. PageLever measures more than 650 million Facebook fans across sites like YouTube and MTV. Jeff has been cited as an expert in Facebook analytics by Mashable, AdAge, the Wall Street Journal, Wired, InsideFacebook, AllFacebook, etc.

I get asked all the time, “How frequently should I post on my Facebook page? When is the best time to post?”

- Mashable

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Valleytown Media

Nokia Shows Off Flexible Mobile Device of the Future [VIDEOS]

"Look what Nokia has done with this mobile gadget — Nokia calls it a “kinetic device,” a prototype with a flexible display the company showed at Nokia World 2011 in London.

Instead of the pinch-to-zoom capabilities copied throughout the smartphone industry, Nokia has come up with a novel way to accomplish the same thing: When you bend and twist this handset, the image on its screen does your bidding in a highly intuitive way."


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Monday, 24 October 2011

$4.7 Billion in Digital Goods Will Pass Through PayPal This Year

"eBay says that its PayPal division expects to hit $4.7 billion in total payment volume (TPV) of digital goods in 2011.

The projection, announced at eBay’s X.commerce Innovate developers conference, would be a significant increase in transactions for digital goods — up 28% from 2010, when digital goods accounted for a TPV of $3.4 billion.

PayPal defines digital goods as the “direct or indirect payment of any digital asset.” This includes virtual goods, digital music, news, media, online video and virtual currencies like Facebook Credits."

- Mashable

For full Story Click here!

Valleytown Media

Saturday, 22 October 2011

What Google+ Brand Pages Could Look Like [PICS]

"A few weeks ago, Mashable contacted some ad agencies and asked them to imagine how brand pages on could change in light of that platform’s planned redesign.

Just as Facebook was announcing its tweaks, though, Google was on track to add brand pages to Google Plus. Though it looks like that will happen any day now, the integration hasn’t been announced yet. Meanwhile, a handful of brands, including Ford, are already enjoying the possibilities."

To Read more Click Here
Valleytown Media

Google Analytics Launches In-Depth Flow Visualizations

"Google Analytics is about to get a whole lot more visual, thanks to the launch of a new feature, Flow Visualizations.

The new feature was announced by Google SVP of ads Susan Wojcicki at the Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco. It will launch later today for all Google Analytics users."

- Mashable

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Following Brands on Twitter Increases Purchase Intent [STUDY]

People who follow brands on Twitter are more likely to both buy and recommend those brands’ products, according to a recent study of online consumer behavior.

The study, conducted by Constant Contact and research firm Chadwick Martin Bailey, analyzed the behavior of 1,491 consumers ages 18 and older throughout the U.S., and revealed a number of details about how people interact with brands on the world’s beloved 140-character social network

To read more click here!

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Quote of the Day

“Don’t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful.”

- Mark Victor Hansen quotes

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

QR Marketing

What the heck is a QR Code you ask? well it is again best described as

A QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response code) is a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional code) first designed for the automotive industry. More recently, the system has become popular outside of the industry due to its fast readability and comparatively large storage capacity.

So what does that mean for you as a small business owner?
Let say you have an ad in the paper for your business. And Your Marketing Goal is to engage your potential clients. A QR code could be linked in to your Facebook Page, Which will automatically take them to a 'Like' Button.

Now once you have them on your Facebook Page again you have a direct link to your clients who you know already like your product or service.

Then using Facebook are able to send them Coupons for sales, or at the very least update them on the latest happenings of your business.

With that very same ad, you can make a direct link to a video message or commercial you might have for your business.

Or you can just direct link them to your web page which includes all of what I just said.

The point is QR Codes connect the user to anything you could possibly imagine to promote your business.

QR Codes are also being used on Business Cards, have you ever been told to go to a web site for a company and you said you'll check it out later? well with a QR Code printed on a business card they won't forget. Just scan and you're instantly there.

One thing to note however some QR Readers on Smart Phones are a little tricky. If you have a video make sure it works on all platforms. Test it out first to make sure it all works.
There's nothing worse then scanning the QR Code and having it take you to a blank page or broken link!

QR of the Day

Scan the QR Each Day to find a Surprise!

Photo of the Day

Albion Falls in Hamilton, Ontario
City of Water Falls

Examples of Viral Marketing

Like the previous post I'm going to talk about viral marketing and what it means. Just in case it was missed on the last post.

The clearest definition of Viral Marketing can be explained like this:

marketing techniques that use pre-existing social networks to produce increases in brand awareness or to achieve other marketing objectives (such as product sales) through self-replicating viral processes, analogous to the spread of viruses or computer viruses. It can be delivered by word of mouth or enhanced by the network effects of the Internet. Viral marketing may take the form of video clips, interactive Flash games, advergames, ebooks, brandable software, images, or text messages.

So here are some examples of Viral Marketing.

Now for this one it uses the popularity of the Numa Numa guy whom became a youtube sensation a little while back in order to promote the Geico Brand. Its subtle but he's there.

Tiger Woods and EA Sports created this viral video in response to a Gammers comment about a Glitch the game had. Obviously, it wasn't.

This is an interesting one, using hip-hop music in the style of comedy of Lonely Island to sell you their car. If you don't know who lonely island is then you can look them up later!

So those are just some examples of Viral Marketing. I have one question to ask before I close. While watching any one of these three ads...where you entertained, did you feel the need to buy in, or at the very least wanted to show your friends these awesome videos? Exactly!

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Monday, 17 October 2011

Viral Marketing

It's hard to understand why any company wouldn't want to throw out the old method
to try a different approach to marketing these days.

Its not enough anymore that you create a commercial for your product anymore, if your commercial doesn't have the ability to go viral it will surly be lost in the shuffle.

Viral Marketing can even be cheaper then your regular commercial marketing, its just a matter of aligning yourself with the right people for writing and executing it with the right team of filmmakers to make it look good or bad depending on which way it goes.

Think of your Viral Ad campaign as this horrible diagram I quickly drew up. Yay Photoshop!
Using various social media network and links, your viral video will spread like a virus through out the web.

Now you're asking, 'well how does that help me?' thats simple within each viral video produced youtube has a nifty little link button where you can 'Call to Action' and this action can be as simple as 'Like' us on facebook for 10 percent off your next purchase! I know, it doesn't seem like much but it means a lot to those who see it!

So they 'like' your facebook page, now what? well thats where some more social media marketing comes into play. Hopefully you'll be doing this already, but once you have a viewership at your finger tips keeping them up-to-date with what is going on with your service or product might be a good idea.

And people don't just 'like' anything for no reason so its like having a phonebook that lists people by interest and directly marketing to them!

Like this blog? 'like' my Facebook to read more about Viral Marketing!

Follow me on Twitter @ValleytownMedia

Quote of the Day

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”
— Harriet Tubman

Walking Dead Season Premiere

Walking Dead Season 2 Premiere
So tonight was the season 2 Premiere of Walking Dead on AMC, I was following the twitter feed as best as I could but I don’t think could keep up lol.

It was a pretty suspenseful first episode! They touched upon a couple things from the first season and then brought in some added bonus suspenseful storyline later on in the show.

I find it very interesting that despite the huge following Walking Dead has, they still decided to cut the budget for the second season. Not that it would really matter because they would find alternative ways to do certain effects for it.

Check out Stargate Studios, who did the Special effects in the first season if you like that kind of stuff!

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or follow me on Twitter @ValleytownMedia

Monday, 10 October 2011


Wedding App

Now introducing wedding mobile apps as a services valleytown Media offers as part of our wedding packages.

This mobile app will allow one source in sharing hub using multiple sources to get from.
It will be able to connect to Youtube for video, Twitter for updates that you want to share, and facebook page that people will be able to post their photos of your night.

Plus a Video gallery of your choice and photo gallery of the professional photos done of your day.

Take advantage of this awesome technology! Using the power of QR Codes connecting your family and friends to your very own Mobile APP
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