Wednesday 21 December 2011

Social Media Tip of the Day

Don’t overlook niche social media sites
When people think of social media, they typically think of Twitter or Facebook. But there are literally hundreds (maybe thousands?) of social media networks and sites that you can use to help promote your brand. Jut because a network isn’t huge doesn’t mean it’s not going to impact your social media strategy. Oftentimes targeted niche social sites can bring more targeted traffic to your site than larger sites.

If you’re smart, you can use smaller social networks to help promote your site on other bigger social networks. For example, I’ve written posts on web development that have made it to the front page of Dzone, a social media site for web development. Once the article made it to the front page of Dzone, the attention brought a lot of saves on Delicious, and subsequently made it to the Delicious front page. The delicious front page brought even more traffic, and those Delicious users voted the story up to the Digg front page. So, by simply submitting my site on a smaller niche news site with a great headline, I managed to make it to the coveted homepages of both Digg and Delicious.



  1. Truly social media gives a very big impact to your website popularity. Most especially in Online video marketing, it is one tool that is very reliable and can be very helpful for everyone. Many SEO specialists are using social media as tool to help their websites rank.

  2. It's true! I've recently got started into heavily promoting using Twitter, Facebook, Google+ pages It helped greatly to promote my services.

    Now i'm getting involved in Google Adwords more and using the Youtube Playbook to gain more success with online Marketing.

    My hope is to teach others what I have learned over the last couple of years!
